The Pastry Bear Podcast
The dynamic of the evolution of food and food culture is changing at a rapid rate, in order to understand it we have to dissect the fundamentals of the industry, we have conversations with chefs from various backgrounds to learn more about the intricacy that make up their vast portfolios understanding chefs will allow you to understand the food, join us every week for new episode.

Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
With Out These Seed There is No Jamaican Cuisine
Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
In this episode, we're exploring the roots of Jamaican cuisine and the surprising role that wheat played in shaping the flavors and traditions of the country and the region. From the sweet, flaky pastry of Jamaican patty crusts to the hearty, comforting dumpling of cookies, biscuits and hardo Bread, wheat has been a staple ingredient in Jamaican cooking for centuries. We'll delve into the history of wheat in the Caribbean and jamaica, from its introduction by European colonizers to its adaptation and innovation by enslaved Africans and indentured laborers. Join us as we uncover the fascinating story of how wheat became an integral part of Jamaican cuisine, and explore the delicious and diverse ways it's used in traditional dishes today.

Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
In today's episode, we discuss the attributes that create the premise of why we eat the way we do; a large percentage of our habits are generated from various factors that influence how we think, act, and, most importantly, eat.
Every chef and food lover needs to know why their taste bud are attracted to a specific spice or herb and why they consume more sweet products than sour or bitter ones; understanding these key points will help to improve the execution of the menu development, meal preparation to create a unique experience in your dining room.
Join us as we explore why we eat the way we do.

Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
On todays episode we took a deep dive in the complex nature of the ego, The ego can get in your way and prevent you from achieving goals, making friends, and just all round being a good human, in the area of hospital especially in the kitchen. We have see the ego destroy the career of great chefs , and also created many other problems, I took the time to highlight a few areas in the kitchen that the ego has caused various problems along with telling a story on how my ego almost destroyed my life , In the is episode we also came to the conclusion how one can gain control of their ego join us for this exciting episode of the Pastry bear Podcast .

Saturday Sep 24, 2022

Monday Aug 15, 2022
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Monday Aug 15, 2022
On todays episode we are discussing the almighty , the king of all kings ,the trap lord, the binding force to many. The egg is one of the most important ingredient in the world of food, it has literally scrambled its way in and around everything, slippery ,wet and delicious it goes over easy on a warm all beef burger or some double fried green plantain, which lead me to asking this question what would the world of food look like without the eggs, just imagine an eggs less cake, and egg less custard, or even worst and eggles omelette, without the egg there would be no breakfast as a majority of what we eat in the morning

Monday Jul 11, 2022
A Private Chef Experience |Pastry Bear Podcast| EPS 5
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Monday Jul 11, 2022
On today's episode we explore the fast rising career of private chef/ Personal chef, we have seen an increase in the amount of private chefs, over the past 2 years which has lead us to ask a few questions 1 where does the concept of private came from2 what is the importance of having private chefs in the world of service3 what are some of the factors that is presently causing the increase we are seeing in the private chef space 4 what does the future of the career will look like and who will winwe also spoke about my personal journey and experience being a private chef for a business mogul and music executive, along with tips and tricks for anyone wanting to give this career a try.

Monday Jun 13, 2022
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Monday Jun 13, 2022
There is a novel cuisine been created as we speak and the Caribbean maybe sitting in the back struggling like they are doing in music, africa is not only gonna take over the music industry they are gonna take over the food scene too, imagine this raggea /dancehall music was once the most popular music in the world, now it is struggling to stay relevant. On todays episode were are going to discuss the future novel cuinsine .we are also going to explore how influence affects our food culture.I broke down the future of Jamaica and our Caribbean culinary scenealong with showing where Africa stands in culinary.we also discuss the factors that are presently allowing the African chefs to triumph over others.

Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
On todays episode we talk about a Understanding the developments of flavor,. this is a topic that most chef, cooks and foodies don't really understand,
Flavor is sensation when food comes in contact with the taste buds on the tongue, along with the stimulation of the nasal receptor's. an indication of the essential character profile of something. there are five basic taste, and being Jamaican and a representative of the Caribbean Diaspora I want to add a 6th,
salt, sweet bitter sour, umami and spicy, we also explore the introduction of flavoring the food and the importance of chew and how it affect the flavor of food.

Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
What do I mean by WHY ?
Well the why would be the purpose behind starting a company , the reason behind your dreams,
Why is important to the process , knowing why will be the driving force that help you to not give up when things are not going to plan and on the other side of the spectrum it help to keep you centered when you are experiencing tremendous growth weather financially or professionally.
This is weeks podcast is a continuation of the process that we start on the previous episode ,you can feel free to check out that episode tiled FINDING PURPOSE IN FOOD, and see how I was able to find my purpose after being a chef for over 15 plus years, in today PODCAST I am going to expound on the WHY in my new path, this is a key point to support the building of a foundation to you professional future.
while finding purpose was enlightening there will be various situation that will test your strength and may take you off courses, whether in a positive/productive or in a negative/distractive manner.

Monday Apr 25, 2022
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Monday Apr 25, 2022
On todays episode of the Pastry Bear Podcast, we delved into the concept of purpose. what is purpose ? This was a question I asked my self after I experienced a traumatic situation that cause me to lose everything, While I was in the rebuilding process, I learnt a few important principles that allow me to bounce back 10 time stronger than I was, now I am embracing a new purposeful journey that I want you my listen travel with me . in the podcast I listed each principle with a details on how I used them and the impact it had on my path . listen below are the key factor associated to my personal growth.
learning from adversity
control over self
control environmental influence
the roll and important of time
join me to learn more about what cause me to loose everything I had , but allow me to find my purpose.